Rebel NaNo

Currently taking a breather, will return shortly. <3 You can also find me at Deviantart and Tumblr.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I have exciting news

I am now the proud owner of 100 pH testing strips.

It is test the pH..of things!  Mostly sourdough bread, because it's difficult to get good rye bread in this part of the state unless it's home made.


Also, 7,000 page views!  Waa hoo :)

I was going to make a post listing all the things that annoy me about the marketing of Hidden Springs, but I'm in too good of a mood now.

Instead I'll just mention my number 1 aggravation:
The "magical" green people are actually just the marginalized middle class.   Way to go, EA.  You make me feel good about myself.  :(

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